Green Salad Recipe-

Consuming salad provides many benefits to the body. It is rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eating this keeps you healthy. Today we are talking about green salad. To make it, green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, cucumber are used. Capsicum, carrot, tomato and onion are also added to it. You can also add green coriander for decoration.

Green Salad Recipe-

Green Salad Recipe-

Ingredients Green Salad Recipe-

Cabbage, Spinach (finely chopped)

1 capsicum (sliced ​​lengthwise)

2 carrots (finely chopped)

Cucumber (finely chopped)

Broccoli and Beans Tomato and onion (cut into small pieces)

Coriander (finely chopped)

2 tsp vinegar

1 tsp honey

Salt (as per your taste)

Black Pepper and Yogurt

How To Make Green Salad Recipe-

step 1

Wash green leafy vegetables along with other vegetables thoroughly with clean water. Cut them as described above.

Step – 2

Grind black pepper, salt, honey, curd and vinegar together in a mixer.

Step – 3

After doing this, keep the chopped carrots, broccoli, beans, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and capsicum in the fridge to cool down.

Step – 4

Now mix all the vegetables in a paste of black pepper, salt, honey, curd and vinegar. Green salad is ready, garnish it with finely chopped green coriander.

Green Salad benefits:


Today, due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits, most of the people suffer from stomach problems. Due to such routine, their digestive system remains bad. Due to this, people keep having problems like stomach ache, acidity and gas. To get rid of this, such people can take the help of green salad.

heart problem

Cholesterol has also started increasing in the body due to wrong eating and people are being caught by heart related diseases. According to experts, due to regular consumption of green salad, cholesterol in the body can be controlled. Actually, the nutrients found in green salad help in controlling cholesterol.

for skin

Spoiled lifestyle has adverse effects not only on our health but also on the skin. To make the skin healthy and glowing, it is very important to follow the right diet and routine. Healthy skin can be achieved by making green salad a part of the diet. The antioxidants present in it keep many skin problems away from us.

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