Watermelon salad Recipe-
Watermelon salad Recipe-
Ingredients Watermelon Salad Recipe-
Watermelon cut into medium pieces
chopped lemon
black salt
black pepper powder
olive oil
mint leaves and feta cheese.
Method of preparation Watermelon Salad Recipe-
First of all, cut the watermelon into medium pieces and keep it in a bowl. Now take lemon juice in a small bowl, add some black pepper powder and black salt, and mix well. After this, pour this mixture on the watermelon pieces and mix. After this, add mint leaves cut into pieces and after adding feta cheese on top, your watermelon salad is ready. You can eat it at dinner or evening, it helps in reducing your weight and makes your body agile.
Benefits of Watermelon Salad Recipe-
Watermelon also contains amino acids and dietary fiber along with vitamins A, B, and C. It contains an amino acid called arginine, which is helpful in burning fat.
- Keeps you hydrated: …
- Helps in blood sugar management: …
- Aids in weight loss: …
- Helps to prevent cardiovascular disease: …
- Decreases severity of Asthma: …
- Reduces dental problems: …
- Fights inflammation: …
- Good for nerve function: